Research activity on UFSD

Note: due to non-disclosure purposes, this database can only be accessed by active CERN accounts


31st workshop of the RD50 group (abstract and transparencies): [pdf1] [pdf2]
Nuovo Cimento C (IFAE 2017 Proceedings): [pdf]
30th workshop of the RD50 group (abstract and transparencies): [pdf1] [pdf2]
IEEE NSS 2017 (abstract, conference contribution, proceeding and related source files archives): [zip1] [pdf1] [pdf2] [zip2] [pdf3]
IFAE 2017 conference (abstract, archive with source files and contribution): [txt] [zip] [pdf]

Additional Material

report on LGAD simulations at the INFN-Perugia and FBK meeting, 2-3 December 2021: [pdf]
report on high-energy deposition simulations at the ETL Meeting on sensors and modules at CERN, 8 March 2021: [pdf]
report on simulation activities at the first explorative meeting with Perugia INFN Division, 18 June 2018: [pdf]
report at CMS-Torino Group Meeting, 30 May 2017: [pdf]